Dying to Live

Friday, October 23, 2009

First, I was dying to finish my high school and start college.
And then, I was dying to finish college and start working.
Then, I was dying to marry and have children.
And then, I was dying for my children to grow old enough.
So I could go back to work.

But then, I was dying to retire.
And now I am dying...
And suddenly I realized, I forgot to live...

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Companies To Boycott

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Mungkin ramai yg dah lupa...so "bump"...mungkin ada brg yg masih kita pakai, nokia, nestle, McD, mcm-mcm lg la. Tp marilah kita sama-sama menanam niat utk memboikot brgn israel. Tidak sedih ka tgk anak-anak kecil tidak bersalah kena tembak bom. Ckp byk pun tak guna, bak kata Nabil, "lu pikir la sendiri".

  • Caterpillar

  • Danone
    HP foods, Evian, Volvic, Jacob

  • Delta Galil
    Hema, Barbie, Carrefour, Auchan, Tchibo, Victoria's Secret, GAP, Banana Republic, Structure, J-Crew, JC Penny, Pryca, Lindex, DIM, DKNY, Ralph Lauren, Playtex, cK, Hugo Boss, M&S

  • Disney

  • Emblaze

  • Estée Lauder
    Aramis, Clinique, DKNY, Prescriptives, Origins, MAC, La Mer, Bobbi Brown, Tommy Hilfiger, Jane, Donna Karan, Aveda, Stila, Jo Malone, Bumble & Bumble, Kate Spade

  • Home Depot
    Villager's Hardware, Georgia Lighting, Apex Supply, EXPO Design Centres

  • IBM

  • Intel

  • Johnson & Johnson

  • Kimberly-Clark
    Kleenex, Kotex, Huggies, Andrex

  • Lewis Trust Group
    River Island, Isrotel hotels, Britannia Pacific

  • The Limited Inc
    Express stores, Lerner New York, Structure, New York & Company, Mast Industries, Intimate Brands, Victoria's Secret, Bath & Body Works, White Barn Candle Company, Henri Bendel

  • L'Oreal
    Giorgio Armani, Redken 5th Avenue, Lancome Paris, Vichy, Cacharel, La Roche-Posay, Garnier, Biotherm, Helena Rubinstein, Maybelline, Ralph Lauren, Carson

  • Marks & Spencer
    M&S, St.Michaels

  • McDonald's

  • Motorola

  • Nestle
    Nescafé, Perrier, Vittel, Pure Life, Carnation, Libby's, Milkmaid, Nesquik, Maggi, Buitoni, Cross & Blackwell, KitKat, Milkybar, Quality Street, Smarties, After Eight, Aero, Polo, Lion, Felix cat food, L'Oréal

  • News Corporation
    TV: Fox, Sky, Star, Phoenix, Granada, CNBC. UK newspapers: Standard Newspaper, News of the World, The Sun, The Times. Australian Newspapers: The Telegraph , Gold Coast Bulletin, Herald Sun, Independent, Sunday Mail. US newspapers: New York Post. Publishers: Harper Collins Ragan, Zondervan, National Geographical. Nursery World, Rawkus, NDS, Mushroom Records, ChinaByte.com, Festival Records

  • Nokia

  • Revlon
    New World Entertainment, Forbes

  • Sara Lee
    Hanes, Playtex, Champion, Leggs, Douwe Egberts, Bryan, DIM, Ambi Pur, Bali, Superior Coffee, Just My Size, Kiwi, Maison Cafe, Nur die, Pilao, Lovable, Outer Banks, Wonderbra, Sanex, Pickwick, Gossard, Body Mist, Brylcreem, Aqua Velva, Radox

  • Siemens

  • Selfridges

  • Starbucks
    Seattle Coffee, Pasqua, Hear Music, Tazo

  • Timberland

Source: http://www.inminds.co.uk/boycott-israel.php

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No mountain too high

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Well, that's what Al-Rajhi bank said. They are coming to Sabah next year. Let's wait and see bleed. No need to go to Bank Islam again haha..

The Star, 27 July 2009

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Friday, July 31, 2009

Segala puji bagi Allah, tuhan semesta alam, selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan Nabi Muhammad saw, kerana tanpa nur Baginda tiadalah kita semua.

Tiadalah perasaan yang begitu indah selepas berkahwin dengan isteri tercinta, melainkan dianugerahkan zuriat yang akan meneruskan keturunanku. Melihat dan menyentuh manusia dari darah daging sendiri, suatu perasaan yang sukar dihuraikan. Tidak sama dengan menyentuh mak bapak adik beradik kita, ntah la.

Perasaan aneh ni bermula sejak mendengar berita gembira drp sang isteri yg sentiasa dicintai, memberitahu bahawa dia positif ujian mengandung (yg dibeli di watson).

Perasaan bertambah gembira-tidak percaya-sukar dihurai selepas melihat gambar imbasan Nuaim yg baru beberapa bulan dlm kandungan sang isteri. Begitu jugak semasa doktor membuat imbasan secara langsung ketika perjumpaan bulanan dengan doktor. Doktor menunjukkan organ² Nuaim yg aku sendiri susah nak bayangkan.

Rutin perjumpaan dengan doktor, sang isteri akan beri kad klinik kpd nurse, timbang berat, ujian darah, ujian air kencing, dah akhir sekali sesi berborak dgn doktor. Sering kali aku lupa tarikh perjumpaan dgn doktor, apply leave last minute :).

Masuk bulan Ramadhan, saat kelahiran Nuaim semakin hampir. Perjalan hidup bagaikan satu mini pengembaraan dan cabaran masa tu. Maklumlah keja shif mlm time tu, memang satu dugaan yg tdk masuk akal kalau nak dipikirkan, tp Allah Maha Mengetahui setiap kehidupan hamba-Nya, aku reda & yakin mesti ada hikmah di sebaliknya.

Malam sehari sebelum kelahiran Nuaim, sang isteri mengadu sakit, tanda-tanda nak bersalin. Aku tgh bersiap nak keja masa tu. So, mlm tu emergency leave. Aku masih boleh ingat lagi perasaan ketika memandu kereta ke hospital mlm tu, suatu perasaan...gembira, takut, dan berharap. Sampai hospital, register nama sang isteri dan mengambil tempat. Mlm tu aku ambil keputusan tido dlm keta incase something happen which require me immediately. Kurang selesa pd fizikalku tp jiwa raga ku rasa tenang berada dekat dgn sang isteri dan sang comel jr. yang bila² akan tiba. Sahur kat kedai mamak dekat hospital.


Keesokan harinya, sekitar pukul 10 pagi, isteri bgtau dia nak kain batik utk persiapan. Aku bergegas balik ke rumah, tapi sebelum tu aku singgah kat kilang sbb nak kasi tools kat technician shift siang. So, on the way balik aku ikut jalan sblh dlm, lalu tmn apa tah dah lupa. Aku ingat lg aku speeding nak lepaskan traffic light kaler kuning. Takde la speed mana, slow je pun tp langgar lampu merah, tak merah lg rasanya, peralihan kaler kuning ke merah kot. Lepas je traffic light nampak abg polis lambai aku suh berenti. Rasa nak tarik cabut je rambut time tu. Pastu bla bla bla bla ngn pak polisi. Byk ckp pulak pak polisi ni, cepat la kasi saman, mana nak sign, uh. Mesti ada hikmah di sebaliknya, aku yakin.

Sampai rumah, amik kain, terus gerak ke hospital balik. Sampai hospital tgk sang isteri dah takde kat katil. Aik (buat muka blank). Nurse tgk aku, pastu bgtau wife awak dah masuk bilik bersalin. Hah, aku tambah blank. Aku terus naik ke tempat bersalin. Masuk je, terserempak dgn sang isteri. Alhamdulillah, sempat lg. Sang isteri mengadu sakit. Pastu aku sama-sama menghantar sang isteri ke bilik bersalin.

Sampai bilik bersalin, aku berhenti bg laluan kpd sang isteri dan nurse masuk. Pastu nurse tny, tanak masuk? - Eh, boleh ke? Masuk lah. Aku pun masuk la, berdiri tepi katil sang isteri. Sang isteri sekali sekala mengadu kesakitan. Tambah-tambah lg bila diberi alat bantuan apa tah. Aku hanya terdaya memegang tgn sang isteri dan memberi kata semangat. Time tu aku pun tak sure tgh pikir apa, melihat sang isteri menahan kesakitan. Hanya Tuhan yg tahu. Nurse sekali sekala masuk periksa keadaan sama ada sudah tiba masanya atau belum.

Tiba saatnya, semua nurse mengambil bahagian masing-masing. Salah sorg nurse memberi isyarat bila masa untuk meneran. Ada beberapa kali jugak sesi sang isteri meneran, tak leh gak, rilek kejap. Pastu ulang lagi, takleh gak, rilek lagi. Fikiran aku bertambah tak fokus tgk sang isteri menahan kesakitan. Sampai satu tahap, nurse panggail aku suruh tgk kepala baby dah nak keluar, tp tak cukup push, baby masuk balik. Nurse tu dah start pressure sang isteri. Aku mcm takleh napas. Nak nangis sama pun ada. Melihat sang isteri bertarung nyawa.

Ada sekali aku menyuruh sang isteri membuat pernafasan melalui mulut, macam yg kebiasaan ibu nak bersalin buat dlm tv. Nurse marah, tu bukan cara yg betul untuk membantu katanya. Teran mcm nak berak kata dia. Aku rasa nak kasi rasengan je kat muka nurse tu. Tapi aku teruskan bersabar, sbb dia lah org yg menyambut Nuaim. Aku pening sekejap. Something wrong dlm hal teran meneran ni.


Kalau nak ingat mmg aku tak ingat sgt saat-saat tu sbb suasana begitu . . . aku pun payah nak describe. Aku takleh fokus, kesian kat isteri bertarung nyawa, kesian tgk baby, risau akan lemas nurse ckp. Allahualam...

Tak pasti slps brp kali mencuba, akhirnya sang isteri berjaya melahirkan Nuaim pada pukul 12:33 tghari, 20 September 2007, 8 Ramadhan 1428H.

Alhamdulillah . . .

Nurse menyambut Nuaim dan menunjukkan jantina Nuaim kat sang isteri, sambil menanya “ini anak ape?” Aku tersenyum tanda gembira krn Allah menganugerahkan kami anak lelaki. Tp sang isteri belum menjawab lelaki. Ada bbrp kali nurse tanya, dgn nada semakin meningkat, tp sang isteri masih buat muka blank. Hehe. Aku membantu memberitahu – lelaki. Pening pny nurse.

Nurse kemudian membawa Nuaim ke satu bilik untuk dibersihkan, diukur panjang, dan ditimbang berat. Panjang Nuaim time tu 50 cm dengan berat 3.3 kg. Selepas semua selesai Nurse menghulurkan Nuaim pada aku untuk diazankan. Kerana terlalu gembira aku tersekat-sekat semasa mengazankan Nuaim sbb menahan air mata. Buat pertama kalinya aku menggendong anak dari zuriat ku. Selesai azan, aku serahkan Nuaim kpd nurse. Sang isteri masih di dalam bilik bersalin untuk pemeriksaan susulan.

Berita gembira ni terus aku hebahkan kpd keluarga terdekat. Semua ucapkan tahniah. Muka aku tak henti senyum. Suatu perasaan yg hampir memecahkan hati ku.

Segala puji bagi Allah, tuhan semesta alam, kerana menganugerahkan permata yang begitu indah sekali.

Kepada isteri, love you no matter what...


You're next. hehehe

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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Bagi pandangan aku, PPSMI ni diwujudkan sebab ramai pelajar tidak kira lepasan UPSR, PMR, SPM, universiti, BI semua out.

Selama lebih 12 tahun belajar subjek BI tak fasih-fasih cakap BI. Apa cerita?

Budak tak pandai BI, ajar math & sains dalam BI pulak, pelajar dan cikgu math sains pening belakang cerita. Cikgu-cikgu yang ajar BI selama ni apa bikin?????? janji silibus semua cover, pastu pelajar hancur.

Aku rasa bukan setakat cikgu BI ja yang janji-semua-silibus-dapat-cover, rata-rata semua sama, tak kira la, aku nak cakap macam ni jugak.

Susah-susah import ja cikgu dari US ka UK ka Singapore ka ngajar subjek BI, tak pun hantar cikgu BI amik kursus BI (habis sebelum ni camana bleh jadi cikgu BI?guru besar paksa ajar BI eh?-sakit pala aku).

Kan nyusahkan pelajar, time nak carik keja, BI kena mantap, amik kursus BI kat luar. Kena bayar lagi, tp insyaAllah dalam masa yang singkat fasih cakap BI. Pembaziran selama 12 tahun.

Ya, pelajar mungkin pening, nakal, banyak main, tanak belajar, tak buat kerja rumah, tanak dgr cakap, dan macam-macam lagi la. Standard la semua ni, tak kan dulu tak pernah jadi pelajar sekolah (pemerhatian aku, kebanyakan orang yang jadi cikgu ni dulu adalah pelajar yang skema). Tu la antara alasan cikgu-cikgu BI, mungkin. Tapi, dah namanya cikgu, sendiri mau tau la apa nak buat dengan pelajar macam tu. Sapa suruh jadi cikgu? Macamana pun aku tetap nak salahkan cikgu-cikgu dulu dan sekarang.

Akan bersambung..

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Cool Bridge

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Koleksi bridge lagu-lagu yang cam best. Bukan jambatan utk kereta limpas tu. Enjoi...

BEP - Boom Boom Pow

KoRn - Clown

Britney Spears - Piece of Me

Slipknot - Spit It Out

Linkin Park - New Divide (macam best nda best, kasi jak la)

RATM ft Prodigy - One Man Army (paling best, disebabkan best, dgr sampai habis la)

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Nuaim : Behind The name

Friday, July 10, 2009

He went on: "I have declared my submission to God, O Messenger of God, but my people do not know of my submission. Command me therefore to do whatever you desire."

"You are only one person among us," observed the Prophet. "So go to your people and act as if you have nothing to do with us for indeed war is treachery."
"Yes, O Messenger of God," replied Nuaim. And if God wills, you shall witness what pleases you." Without losing any time, Nuaim went to the Banu Qurayzah. He was, as was mentioned earlier, a close friend of the tribe. "O Bani Qurayzah," he said. "You have known my love for you and my sincerity in advising you."

"Yes ," they agreed, "but what are you suspicious of so far as we are concerned?" Nuaim continued: "The Quraysh and the Ghatafan have their own interests in this war which are different from your interests." "How so?" they queried.

"This is your city," Nuaim asserted. "You have your wealth, your children and your womenfolk here and it is not in your power to flee and take refuge in another city. On the other hand, the Quraysh and the Ghatafan have their land, their wealth, their children and their womenfolk away from this city. They came to fight Muhammad. They urged you to break the treaty you had with him and to help them against him. So you responded positively to them. If they were to be victorious in their encounter with him, they would reap the booty. But if they fail to subdue him, they would return to their country safe and sound and they would leave you to him and he would be in a position to exact the most bitter revenge on you. You know very well that you would have no power to confront him."

"You are right," they said. "But what suggestion do you have?" "My opinion," Nuaim suggested, "is that you should not join forces with them until you take a group of their prominent men as hostages. In that way you could carry on the fight against Muhammad either till victory or till the last of your men or theirs perish. (They would not be able to leave you in the lurch)." "You have advised well," they responded and agreed to take up his suggestion.
Nuaim then left and went to Abu Sufyan ibn Harb, the Quraysh leader and spoke to him and other Quraysh leaders. "O Quraysh," said Nuaim, "You know my affection for you and my enmity towards Muhammad. I have heard some news and I thought it my duty to disclose it to you but you should keep it confidential and do not attribute it to me"

"You must inform us of this matter," insisted the Quraysh.
Nuaim continued: "The Banu Qurayzah now regret that they have agreed to participate in the hostilities against Muhammad. They fear that you would turn back and abandon them to him. So they have sent a message to Muhammad saying: 'We are sorry for what we have done and we are determined to return to the treaty and a state of peace with you. Would it please you then if we take several Quraysh and Ghatafan nobles and surrender them to you? We will then join you in fighting them - the Quraysh and the Ghatafan - until you finish them off.' The Prophet has sent back a reply to them saying he agrees. If therefore the Jews send a delegation to you demanding hostages from among your men do not hand over a single person to them. And do not mention a word of what I said to you."

"What a good ally you are. May you be rewarded well ," said Abu Sufyan gratefully.
Nuaim then went to his own people the Ghatafan, and spoke to them in a similar vein. He gave them the same warning against expected treachery from the Banu Qurayzah.

Abu Sufyan wanted to test the Banu Qurayzah so he sent his son to them. "My father sends greetings of peace to you," began Abu Sufyan's son. "He says that our siege of Muhammad and his companions has been a protracted affair and we have become weary...We are now determined to fight Muhammad and finish him off. My father has sent me to you to ask you to join battle with Muhammad tomorrow."

"But tomorrow is Saturday," said the Jews of Banu Qurayzah, "and we do not work at all on Saturdays. Moreover, we would not fight with you until you hand over to us seventy of your nobles and nobles from the Ghatafan as hostages. We fear that if the fighting becomes too intense for you would hasten back home and leave us alone to Muhammad. You know that we have no power to resist him..."

When Abu Sufyan's son returned to his people and told them what he had heard from the Banu Qurayzah, they shouted in unison!

"Damned be the sons of monkeys and swine! By God, if they were to demand from us a single sheep as a hostage, we would not give them".

And so it was that Nuaim was successful in causing disharmony among the confederates and splitting their ranks.

While the mighty alliance was in this state of disarray, God sent down on the Quraysh and their allies a fierce and bitterly cold wind which swept their tents and their vessels away, extinguished their fires, buffeted their faces and cast sand in their eves. In this terrible state of confusion the allies fled under cover of darkness.

That very night the Prophet had sent one his companions, Hudayfah ibn al-Yaman, to get information on the enemy's morale and intentions. He brought back the news that on the advice and initiative of Abu Sufyan, the enemy had turned on their heels and fled... The news quickly spread through the Muslims ranks and they shouted in joy and relief!

La ilaha ilia Allahu wahdah
Sadaqa wadah
Wa nasara abdah
Wa a azza jundah
Wa hazama-l ahzaba wahdah.

There is no god but Allah alone
To His promise He has been true
His servant He has helped
His forces He has strengthened
And Alone the confederates He has destroyed.

The Prophet, peace be upon him, praised and gave thanks to his Lord for His deliverance from the threat posed by the mighty alliance. Nuaim, as a result of his subtle but major role in the blasting of the alliance, gained the confidence of the Prophet who entrusted him thereafter with many a difficult task. He became the standard-bearer of the Prophet on several occasions.

Three years after the Battle of the Ditch, on the day the Muslims marched victoriously into Makkah, Abu Sufyan ibn Harb stood surveying the Muslim armies. He beheld a man carrying the Ghatafan flag and asked: "Who is this?" "Nuaim ibn Masud," came the reply.

"He did a terrible thing to us at al-Khandaq," Abu Sufyan confessed. "By God, he was certainly one of the fiercest enemies of Muhammad and here he is now carrying his people's flag in the ranks of Muhammad and coming to wage war on us under his leadership."

Through the grace of God and the magnanimity of the noble Prophet, Abu Sufyan himself was soon to join the same ranks.

Cut & paste from http://www.witness-pioneer.org

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